Happy New Year! Thank you for your continued support of me and my little family. Cheers!


Regular price $40.00 Sale

I am so excited to announce the arrival of the new Keystone Lungeline™, my absolute favourite piece of equipment for the day-to-day schooling and wellness of my horses.


After decades of using expensive, cumbersome, grimy, traditional cotton-web lungelines, this affordable and lightweight PVC lunge rein is a joy to handle with it’s bounce and positive feel. It features a neat brass snap, doubled and stitched hand-hold and beautiful workmanship. The lungeline is 9m/30ft in length, to allow for a rare 20m/60 circle. The materials mean that grime will spray right off if we’re working in muddy conditions. It’s also a boon when training young stock dogs on foot.


Classic black with the Keystone Equine brand and logo, each lungeline comes attractively packaged in a flat coil. At only $40 plus shipping and taxes, if applicable, they will make great gifts!


Check out our new go-with, the ‘Lungeing with Lee’ $15 video download, also available here on Cattle Cait!